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Dementia shocking statistics and how to help slow it down

Michele Burton - All Generations Yoga

There has never been more concern and publicity about Alzheimer’s and Dementia. According to the Dementia Society there are currently 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, more than ever before, and this number is projected to rise by 40% over the next 12 years with 24% of Males and 35% of Females born in 2015 expected to develop Dementia in their lifetime….that is really scary!!! You can read more about the statistics of dementia by using this link:

It is well known that cross patterning exercises can help slow down this process, which is why I often include them as part of our warn up in our yoga classes. The British Gymnastics Foundation have developed a programme especially for those suffering with Dementia called ‘Love to Move’ which seems to be having an amazing effect on slowing down and even halting the progression of dementia and some even re-gaining functions that were lost….which is wonderful news!! The programme was adapted for use in the UK after seeing the amazing results in Japan who now state fund the programme to run in all care homes.

A pilot was run here in the UK with 150 people and researched by Age UK who found the scheme to have "demonstrable benefits in the physical, emotional and cognitive aspects of older people".

The Alzheimer’s Society say; there is increasing evidence that building up cognitive reserve over time can reduce the risk of developing dementia (

The BGF has created a downloadable booklet containing some of the key exercises for people to try with top tips from head coach Kim Hall.

My Mum – The day this picture was taken she rode on a Kids Zip wire at a park in Durham and loved it :)

I have a personal interest in this Charity as my mother is a sufferer of dementia and unfortunately it is not all about memory loss but the emotional challenges which has an impact not only on the sufferer but also on those around them. It is very important that we support any programme or research to help prevent this horrible disease especially as it is now reported to be the biggest Killer.

What is the Yoga Link to this blog you may ask?….well my mother is 84; today in fact, and although her mind is not as we would like it she is physically very active and able and as we know you don’t necessarily have to be of such a great age to have dementia, I also know of people in their late 50’s and early 60’s with dementia who again are quite active and although chair yoga is good for anyone to do whilst whiling away the hours. If you are active then doing something more physically demanding generally makes you happier even just going for a walk those happy endorphin's go to work.

Most yoga postures work both sides of the brain as the body is often in an asymmetrical pattern and used as a flow will test your brain further.

Over 60’s class all felt amazing benefits from their yoga classes!!

Also breathing techniques where the out breath is slowed right down and longer than the in breath has wonderful effects on calming down a dementia sufferer when getting anxious….this work wonders on my mother when I took her on her first flight in 20 years and delayed by 3 hours!! I tried all sorts of things to help her anxiety but the thing that worked best was…….Imagine your favourite colour and blowing a feather softly…that’s all it took!!

Imagine taking the demons out of your head with your hands and then releasing them with your breath watching them disappear….this is another technique used on my mother with brilliant effect to calm her down. I have en used the breathing and relaxation techniques with her over the phone.

EVENT to Support Dementia

I will be delivering a Yoga Class on Sunday 9th July 2017 at Lilleshall National Sports Centre to raise funds for this very worthy cause and the BGF have said they will match any funding raised by the event which starts at 9.00am to 10.30pm with donations of £10. Call 01952 603003 to Book a Place

If the weather is fine will be doing the class outdoors in the beautiful surrounds of the Centre….so bring a mat or blanket along!

Regular Yoga classes at Lillelshall National sports Centre run on Monday and Wednesday Evenings and Friday Mornings. Classes are also in Ackleton on Tuesday Evenings and Shinfal on Thursday Evenings. Go to my website for more information on classes

Further reading on how Yoga can help with Dementia:

All Generations Yoga & Pilates

07970 731174

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